Frequently asked questions

Madchatter was founded in 2017 and is headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
Our ability to understand your industry and marry that with media-worthy and public-friendly narratives is what distinguishes us. We are an integrated communication and PR firm that can identify and implement various strategies for your brand’s awareness and reputation. We can effectively communicate key messages and themes to target audiences that help build sustainable traction and relevance for you among your consumers.
We deep dive into your industry, understand your landscape and identify an addressable area that can become your brand niche. This helps us deliver impactful PR and social media strategies that build brands for the long run. The common thread across our PR, Social Media, and Content recommendations is creating business-centric and bottom-line-driven solutions.
Public Relations can help launch your brand in the public domain and then its subsequent maintenance and relevance in the face of your competitors. PR also helps with
Reputation Management
Crisis Management
Creating trust and credibility in the market
Communicating acquisitions and change management
An ideal public relations firm personalizes communication strategies, delivers results, and excels in brand management that solves your business needs. The strength of public relations lies in its adaptability. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to earned media and PR efforts highlighting each company’s requirements.
PR is different for startups because they start with a clean slate. Therefore, they need experienced PR professionals to help them become thought leaders. PR agencies address their goals and roadblocks, beginning with a short and long-term focus on creating brand awareness.

Partnering with a public relations firm provides the following development-oriented benefits for organizations:

  • Brand image and awareness

  • Increases brand’s credibility and legitimacy

  • Attracts and retains target market

  • Indirectly aids in lead-generation

  • An effective way to manage ROI on every buck spent


PR professionals have immense expertise in communicating with people on behalf of their clients. There are several types of PR communications to suit the different states of affairs: